that hot ass would take him to Dr. nude butt Golden’s office on the tenth anal sex picture floor. Seeing one of the female erotica elevator doors beginning to shut, Tom broke into a sprint and stuck his arm into the closing doors and made them bounce back open allowing him entry. When he female erotica finally settled into the front corner of the elevator in front of the floor selection panel, he noticed a pretty young woman of about twenty two or three leaning up against the wall in the back of the lift. He nodded a cursory hello and turned back to wait for his stop on ten. Just as the elevator passed floor number six, there was a hard bump and all the lights went out. The elevator was not moving and they were standing in pitch darkness. Before either of them could say anything an emergency light in the back corner popped on filling the elevator with a soft eerie yellowish light. Tom turned to the rain coat clad girl and said, “It might be a power outage from the storm, we may be here for a little while.” The girl now looking very forlorn said, “I’ve got an appointment with my baby doctor in five minutes, I hope I’m not late!” After fifteen minutes and still no power, Tom sat down on the floor to rest, and the young woman who introduced herself as Sandra, still stood in the corner not moving an inch. As the two made small talk, Tom got the distinct impression that Sandra was very uncomfortable. He could exactly put his finger on it, but she kept her arms folded in front of her and she fidgeted from one leg to female erotica the other. Finally Tom asked her if anal sex picture she had a problem. Shaking her head nude butt yes, Sandra slowly removed her coat and revealed
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